Mountain Modern -- What is it?
Mountain Modern -- What is it?
So we’ve been hearing this phrase the past couple years quite a bit. Not sure if it is because our lifestyle town is situated between two mountains or if it is because Yellowstone is all the rage but in any case, we are here for it. Hood River tends to have a modernism that has that slight nod towards Atomic because of the proximity of Portland. But, with more and more people moving from out of state to our neck of the woods (shoutout to all you mags listing HR as a top destination to retire many years in a row….) we’re seeing a bigger push towards more traditional iterations of modern cabin vibes.
So what is it really?
Well that answer depends on who you are asking! Here in our office, we define the mashup of modernism and mountain rustic with the following:
1) Clean, simple lines.
No mess no fuss with the use of lines. Less stuffy molding profiles than you would typically see in a traditional mountain house. Slab doors and simplified details to keep it clean and sleek.
2) Bigger emphasis on texture over the use of color.
Natural materials that blend with the landscape. Imagine the house feeling “anchored” to the earth as an extension of it. Not just built on it.
3) Subtle nods of modernism through the use of lighting or furnishings.
Little glam or glitz in the lighting and furnishings. Like the snakeskin boots you wear to show off with your friends, the finished goods bring that elevated, yet casual mashup.
4) Lots of wood. Always wood. Everywhere we can.
Naturally, it’s a mountain home. So still lots of wood present. But installed much more cleanly with fineline nickelgaps and square profiles.
5) Weight and scale. Heavy Massing.
Things generally feel sturdy and anchored. Thick massing around fireplaces and depth with thickened walls and structure help feel like the house will stand the test of time.
Mountain Modern is one of our favorite design aesthetics to play with. Some lean more into the glam and others lean more into the rustic so the degree of how these five definitions play out all vary depending on project and client preference. No two are alike and that is the fun part! Here are some renderings from one of our Mountain Modern homes we are working on.

Do you have a Mountain Modern home you are looking to build? Reach out! We specialize in serving lifestyle niche towns and it doesn’t matter if it’s Bend, Idaho, Montana, or anywhere else, we’ve got you covered.